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Kamis, 27 September 2012 Community Bot.exe


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Rabu, 26 September 2012

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edia Player Classic is an extremely light-weight media player for Windows. It looks just like the good-old Media Player v6.4, but has lots of nice extra features. MPC has, for instance, a built in DVD player with real-time zoom, support for AVI subtitles, QuickTime and RealVideo support (requires QT and/or Real player), and lots more. Definitely a great replacement for the huge and clumsy Microsoft Media Players. download here

Top list 10 Web hacking techniques of 2010 revealed

A Web hack that can endanger online banking transactions is ranked the No. 1 new Web hacking technique for 2010 in a top 10 list selected by a panel of experts and open voting. Called the Padding Oracle Crypto Attack, the hack takes advantage of how Microsoft's Web framework ASP.NET protects AES encryption cookies. FROM THE SECURITY WORLD: Quirky moments at Black Hat DC 2011 If encryption data in the cookie has been changed, the way ASP.NET handles it results in the application leaking some information about how to decrypt the traffic. With enough repeated changes and leaked information, the hacker can deduce which possible bytes can be eliminated from the encryption key. That reduces the number of unknown bytes to a small enough number to be guessed. The developers of the hack -- Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong -- have developed a tool for executing the hack. Padding Oracle was voted No. 1 by a voting process that included Ed Skoudis, founder of InGuardians; Girogio Maone, the author of NoScript; Armorize CEO Caleb Sima; Veracode CTO Chris Wysopal; OWASP Chairman and CEO Jeff Williams; security consultant Charlie Miller of Independent Security Evaluators; IOActive director of penetration testing Dan Kaminsky; Steven Christey of Mitre; and White Hat Security vice president of operations Arian Evans. The ranking was sponsored by Black Hat, OWASP and White Hat Security, and details of the hacks will be the subject of a presentation at the IT-Defense 2011 conference next month in Germany. Here are the rest of the top 10 Web hacks voted in the competition: 2. Evercookie -- This enables a Java script to create cookies that hide in eight different places within a browser, making it difficult to scrub them. Evercookie enables the hacker to identify the machine even if traditional cookies have been removed. (Created by Samy Kamkar.) 3. Hacking Autocomplete -- If the feature in certain browsers that automatically completes forms on Web sites (autocomplete) is turned on, script on a malicious Web site can force the browser to fill in personal data by tapping various data stored on the victim's computer. (Created by Jeremiah Grossman.) 4. Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection -- Injection of malicious Java script libraries into a browser cache enables attackers to compromise Web sites protected by SSL. This will work until the cache is cleared. Nearly half the top 1 million Web sites use external Java script libraries. (Crated by Elie Bursztein, Baptiste Gourdin and Dan Boneh.) 5. Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution -- Gets around cross site request forgery defenses and tricks victims into revealing their e-mail IDs. Using these, the attackers can reset the victim's passwords and gain access to their accounts. (Created by Lavakumar Kuppan.) 6. Universal XSS in IE8 -- Internet Explorer 8 has cross-site scripting protections that this exploit can circumvent and allow Web pages to be rendered improperly in a potentially malicious manner.

the Number One Hacker Tool

Where do I type that command?" People ask that all the time when they read my early Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking. I wrote those guides back when the Internet was in its infancy and almost everyone in cyberspace used telnet. However, nowadays you might never even hear about telnet, much less use it, unless you are a hacker. So if you are still wondering about telnet, today is your lucky day. What Is Telnet? Telnet is a protocol that is most commonly used to log into a remote computer. It also is the single most powerful hacking tool on the planet. With just a telnet client program, you can: send email download source code from web sites send unexpected input to webservers that can give you amazing and sometimes illegal results give arbitrary input to many other services on Internet host computers probe the services offered by servers, routers and even people's home computers. How to Telnet Don't know how to telnet? Click the easy telnet links at and land in the middle of a real hacker wargame! This should work regardless of your computer operating system -- if you have an up to date browser, if your online service provider gives you a true Internet connection, and if your computer is able to telnet at all. Did those links get you into a telnet session? Were you able to login to a remote computer? If yes, congratulations. If not, how can you fix the problem? If no telnet program appeared on your monitor when you clicked these links, perhaps your browser is too ancient to allow telnet. Try installing the latest Netscape browser ( Or, perhaps your operating system does not include a telnet program. In that case, install or reinstall Windows 95 or 98. If you own a Mac, get the superb Mac OS X or Linux PPC ( If a telnet program came up and failed to connect, possibly the computer you were trying to telnet into was down or just plain no longer in existence. Or, you may be using America Online (or a similar extremely poor online service). If so, your simplest solution may be to get a better online service provider. Determined to hack using AOL? See for some ways to make AOL give you a true Internet connection. OK, so you've managed to telnet for the first time. Presumably you don't want to limit yourself to telnet links on web sites. How do you telnet anywhere you want to go? If you have Linux or any other type of Unix (BSD, SCO, Solaris, Sun OS, Irix, Ultrix, etc.) telneting is easy. Just bring up "console" or "shell" (or whatever your GUI calls the command line interface). At the prompt type: telnet More on Telnet: the Number One Hacker Tool Windows 2000 works pretty much like Unix. See Figure 1 for an example of a Win 2000 telnet login. Not shown on the screen was the command "telnet", which I gave at the Command (MS-DOS) prompt. Figure 1: Telnet using Windows 2000 If you have Windows 95, 98 or NT, to telnet, bring up the MS-DOS prompt (Start --> Programs --> MS-DOS). Click "connect" then "remote system…". In the host name box place the host name or IP address of the computer to which you wish to telnet. Leave the Port and Term Type boxes alone for now. Here is a really important point. Every day people email me complaining that some computer won't let them telnet into it. They ask what they are doing wrong. They aren't doing anything wrong: Maybe the computer they are trying to reach no longer exists. Maybe the computer they are trying to reach doesn't allow telnet logins. For example, no longer allows telnet logins on port 23 (the default port). Click here to learn how to telnet into on the right port for that particular server. Maybe a firewall is blocking them. Or maybe they make a telnet connection and the remote computer asks for a user name and password they don't have. Then they email me asking for how to get a login name and password that will work. Newbie note: The owners or administrators of any Internet host computer decide who gets user names and passwords. Believe it or not, about once a week someone emails me asking what user name and password their own online service provider has assigned them for a telnet login. That's why I'm telling people the obvious -- if you want to telnet into any computer, and you don't have a user name and password, you must ask the owner, administrator of tech support for that system for a user name and password. If they won't give that to you, they don't want you to have it! You can go to jail warning: If you guess the user name and password, or use a computer breakin technique to get or create them, or if someone other than an owner or administrator or a legitimate user on that system gives you a user name and password, it is against the law to use them. Many computer criminals give out user names and passwords that they obtained illegally.